Open bidding on construction of the Main Data Processing Center of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) on the premises of the Banknote Printing and Minting Works (7 Pukhivska St., Kyiv city) failed to take place, since all tender bids were rejected and the open bidding procedure was cancelled.
Hence, the NBU will host the second round table on 30 May 2018 on procurement and construction works for the following open bidding.
Main inconsistencies, comments and disadvantages will be discussed, that were made by bidders in the course of preparing and launching their bids.
All interested construction companies experienced in constructing facilities of public importance of the Ukrainian infrastructure and abroad are welcome to attend the round table.
To register for the round table and for additional information on the construction project, please contact the NBU’s assigned employee Taras Marchuk ([email protected], Tel. (044) 521-87-19, (095) 273-58-55).
The event will be held on 30 May 2018 at 10 a.m. at the address: 9 Instytutska Street, Kyiv city (building 1).
For an access pass prior registration is required at the address: 11-Б Instytutska Street, Kyiv city.
For reference
The NBU DPC is a highly effective and innovative data processing, storage and transfer center, based on innovative technologies.
The NBU DPC will comply with state-of-the-art specifications and TIER IV standard, and secure large-scale application of cloud technologies in information systems of the regulator.
The construction of the cutting-edge processing data center will scale up cybersecurity in the financial sector and ensure security of the critical information infrastructure of the Ukrainian banking system in the context of increasing cyberthreats.
The NBU DPC is to be constructed on the territory of the Banknote Printing and Minting Works being fully equipped with the utility infrastructure and high level of energy self-sufficiency.
The construction permit for the NBU DPC was issued under NBU Board Decision No. 444 dated 14 July 2017.
notice in ProZorro No. UA-2018-03-29-001248-a