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National Bank of Ukraine launches a process of disseminating data on securities

In accordance with the international statistical standards, the International Monetary Fund's methodology and practices observed by the national central banks of the EU Member States, the National Bank of Ukraine launches a process of disseminating data on securities that will be published in the “Statistics” section on the NBU's official website and in the Bulletin of the National Bank of Ukraine.

Securities issues statistics (issues of securities other than shares (i.e. debt securities) cover data on:

  • outstanding amounts at the end of the period and net issue of securities other than shares issued by residents in the period under review, broken down by sector of the issuer and by type of security;
  • outstanding amounts of securities other than shares issued by residents at the end of the period, broken down by sector of the issuer and by currency;
  • outstanding amounts of securities other than shares issued by deposit-taking corporations, broken down by economic sector, type of security, original maturity and by currency.

Securities issues statistics cover issues of securities other than shares (i.e. debt securities) and mortgage-backed securities that comprise corporate bonds, Ukrainian government bonds (domestic sovereign bonds and external sovereign bonds), municipal bonds, treasury bills of Ukraine, certificates of deposit, promissory notes, and mortgage bonds pursuant to the Law of Ukraine No. 3480-IV, dated 23 February, 2006, "On Securities and Stock Market"(as amended).

Accrued interest is included in the amount of securities other than shares issued by deposit-taking corporations. Data on domestic sovereign bonds are presented by the principal amount.

Domestic and external sovereign bonds, municipal bonds, promissory notes for State budget and treasury bills of Ukraine are included in the amount of securities issued by the general government sector.

The data sources for compiling the securities statistics are data provided by the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, other financial intermediaries, calculations and estimates made by the National Bank of Ukraine.

When economic agents need to raise funds, issuing securities is one way to do it. Economic agents see it as an alternative to borrowing from banks, whereas banks see it as an alternative to attracting deposits. Acquiring securities is one way for economic agents to invest funds, which is an alternative to placing funds with banks. Changes in the relationship between direct lending (issuance of securities) and indirect lending (loans from banks) bring about changes in the effect of the monetary policy transmission mechanism. The performance of the securities market needs to be monitored and assessed, prompting the need to obtain and compile statistical data on issuance and placement of securities.

Securities statistics complement monetary and financial statistics, forming statistical basis for carrying out a qualitative macroeconomic analysis, devising the monetary policy, and conducting the financial sector stability assessment. Securities statistics are intended for a wide range of users, including the authorities, residents and non-residents involved in transactions with the country's financial corporations

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