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Official Exchange Rates
As at 02.12.2018
Letter code Unit Currency name UAH to be used in accounting for transactions between the NBU and the STSU and for other cases specified in the laws of Ukraine, with no liability assumed by the NBU to buy or sell the currencies mentioned here at the prices specified
AUD 100 2082.3674
AZN 100 1670.0548
BGN 100 1652.9683
BYN 10 132.7672
KRW 1000 25.3446
HKD 100 362.9264
DKK 100 433.2336
USD 100 2839.0932
EUR 100 3232.8754
EGP 100 159.0537
JPY 1000 250.6299
PLN 100 753.3031
INR 1000 406.4618
IRR 1000 0.6760
CAD 100 2138.5694
HRK 100 435.9325
MXN 100 140.4621
MDL 100 164.7417
ILS 100 765.0328
NZD 100 1950.6881
NOK 100 332.1971
ZAR 100 208.3280
RUB 10 4.2607
RON 100 694.7788
IDR 10000 19.7921
SAR 100 757.0915
SGD 100 2071.9576
XDR 100 3927.3393
KZT 100 7.6468
TRY 100 550.3048
HUF 1000 99.9590
GBP 100 3626.9428
CZK 100 124.4994
SEK 100 313.3542
CHF 100 2854.8882
CNY 100 408.8987
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