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Official Exchange Rates
As at 05.10.2019
Letter code Unit Currency name UAH to be used in accounting for transactions between the NBU and the STSU and for other cases specified in the laws of Ukraine, with no liability assumed by the NBU to buy or sell the currencies mentioned here at the prices specified
AUD 100 1671.9612
AZN 100 1463.3601
BGN 100 1392.9306
BYN 10 119.4293
KRW 1000 20.6724
HKD 100 317.2136
DKK 100 364.9129
USD 100 2487.7122
EUR 100 2724.2936
EGP 100 153.2003
JPY 1000 232.5078
PLN 100 627.7174
INR 1000 350.5470
IRR 1000 0.5923
CAD 100 1865.1880
HRK 100 367.2545
MXN 100 125.9597
MDL 100 140.2872
ILS 100 711.6383
NZD 100 1563.7987
NOK 100 271.9806
ZAR 100 164.0380
RUB 10 3.8195
RON 100 573.8980
IDR 10000 17.5531
SAR 100 663.3899
SGD 100 1800.8287
XDR 100 3397.4047
KZT 100 6.3914
TRY 100 436.2499
HUF 1000 81.8057
GBP 100 3068.2438
CZK 100 105.8430
SEK 100 251.4810
CHF 100 2486.3499
CNY 100 348.0102
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