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Official Exchange Rates
As at 07.11.2019
Letter code Unit Currency name UAH to be used in accounting for transactions between the NBU and the STSU and for other cases specified in the laws of Ukraine, with no liability assumed by the NBU to buy or sell the currencies mentioned here at the prices specified
AUD 100 1701.6361
AZN 100 1450.4478
BGN 100 1398.1640
BYN 10 120.6695
KRW 1000 21.2920
HKD 100 315.0887
DKK 100 366.0045
USD 100 2465.7612
EUR 100 2734.5292
EGP 100 153.3577
JPY 1000 226.2185
PLN 100 640.5100
INR 1000 347.5264
IRR 1000 0.5871
CAD 100 1873.0935
HRK 100 367.8260
MXN 100 128.3515
MDL 100 141.5063
ILS 100 707.6206
NZD 100 1572.9245
NOK 100 270.0503
ZAR 100 166.5842
RUB 10 3.8777
RON 100 574.1552
IDR 10000 17.5937
SAR 100 657.5363
SGD 100 1815.1538
XDR 100 3393.6588
KZT 100 6.3410
TRY 100 428.5894
HUF 1000 82.4448
GBP 100 3178.4654
CZK 100 107.2448
SEK 100 256.9080
CHF 100 2483.6777
CNY 100 352.3696
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