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Official Exchange Rates
As at 15.09.2017
Letter code Unit Currency name UAH to be used in accounting for transactions between the NBU and the STSU and for other cases specified in the laws of Ukraine, with no liability assumed by the NBU to buy or sell the currencies mentioned here at the prices specified
AUD 100 2090.0421
THB 100 78.9918
BGN 100 1589.8127
BYN 10 134.5298
KRW 1000 23.1098
HKD 100 334.9047
DKK 100 417.9298
USD 100 2616.2016
EUR 100 3109.3556
EGP 100 148.6259
JPY 1000 236.363
PLN 100 725.7558
INR 1000 408.001
IRR 1000 0.7819
CAD 100 2144.2353
HRK 100 415.4948
MXN 100 147.2045
MDL 100 148.1612
ILS 100 738.6695
NZD 100 1887.4321
NOK 100 330.9586
RUB 10 4.5286
RON 100 675.6972
IDR 10000 19.7196
SGD 100 1936.9312
XDR 100 3713.4736
KZT 100 7.7384
TRY 100 755.9089
HUF 1000 100.8614
GBP 100 3488.8363
CZK 100 119.1187
SEK 100 326.1163
CHF 100 2704.7283
CNY 100 399.0549
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