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Official Exchange Rates
As at 19.10.2019
Letter code Unit Currency name UAH to be used in accounting for transactions between the NBU and the STSU and for other cases specified in the laws of Ukraine, with no liability assumed by the NBU to buy or sell the currencies mentioned here at the prices specified
AUD 100 1686.9234
AZN 100 1454.9325
BGN 100 1405.3957
BYN 10 121.2444
KRW 1000 20.9794
HKD 100 315.3197
DKK 100 367.9271
USD 100 2473.3852
EUR 100 2748.6730
EGP 100 152.9368
JPY 1000 227.5203
PLN 100 641.3891
INR 1000 347.5879
IRR 1000 0.5889
CAD 100 1876.9960
HRK 100 369.3212
MXN 100 128.7815
MDL 100 142.0318
ILS 100 698.5902
NZD 100 1564.9470
NOK 100 269.6760
ZAR 100 166.2990
RUB 10 3.8638
RON 100 578.0230
IDR 10000 17.4711
SAR 100 659.5694
SGD 100 1811.7942
XDR 100 3403.6740
KZT 100 6.3430
TRY 100 419.4526
HUF 1000 82.8937
GBP 100 3165.2153
CZK 100 107.0647
SEK 100 254.2596
CHF 100 2500.8398
CNY 100 349.4505
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