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Official Exchange Rates
As at 21.11.2019
Letter code Unit Currency name UAH to be used in accounting for transactions between the NBU and the STSU and for other cases specified in the laws of Ukraine, with no liability assumed by the NBU to buy or sell the currencies mentioned here at the prices specified
AUD 100 1648.1572
AZN 100 1422.5649
BGN 100 1367.4530
BYN 10 118.1071
KRW 1000 20.6604
HKD 100 309.0116
DKK 100 357.8789
USD 100 2418.3603
EUR 100 2674.4647
EGP 100 150.6954
JPY 1000 222.9464
PLN 100 622.9537
INR 1000 336.7368
IRR 1000 0.5758
CAD 100 1818.0033
HRK 100 359.4952
MXN 100 124.5084
MDL 100 138.6325
ILS 100 696.0220
NZD 100 1552.9350
NOK 100 263.6109
ZAR 100 163.4049
RUB 10 3.7774
RON 100 559.4763
IDR 10000 17.1418
SAR 100 644.8961
SGD 100 1775.9909
XDR 100 3325.6786
KZT 100 6.2430
TRY 100 424.4980
HUF 1000 80.2155
GBP 100 3120.1828
CZK 100 104.7126
SEK 100 250.1019
CHF 100 2436.4259
CNY 100 343.8234
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