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Official Exchange Rates
As at 26.09.2019
Letter code Unit Currency name UAH to be used in accounting for transactions between the NBU and the STSU and for other cases specified in the laws of Ukraine, with no liability assumed by the NBU to buy or sell the currencies mentioned here at the prices specified
AUD 100 1631.4857
AZN 100 1418.8352
BGN 100 1354.3717
BYN 10 116.2699
KRW 1000 20.0918
HKD 100 307.7982
DKK 100 354.8495
USD 100 2412.0199
EUR 100 2648.8803
EGP 100 148.3872
JPY 1000 224.4814
PLN 100 603.1835
INR 1000 339.5065
IRR 1000 0.5743
CAD 100 1816.7903
HRK 100 357.6668
MXN 100 123.1648
MDL 100 135.7454
ILS 100 688.3427
NZD 100 1519.2889
NOK 100 266.7285
ZAR 100 160.4555
RUB 10 3.7578
RON 100 558.3878
IDR 10000 17.0461
SAR 100 643.2053
SGD 100 1750.4000
XDR 100 3299.7974
KZT 100 6.2226
TRY 100 423.1573
HUF 1000 79.0829
GBP 100 2987.4140
CZK 100 102.4038
SEK 100 247.9645
CHF 100 2443.3911
CNY 100 338.5626
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