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Official Exchange Rates
As at 28.12.2005
Letter code Unit Currency name UAH to be used in accounting for transactions between the NBU and the STSU and for other cases specified in the laws of Ukraine, with no liability assumed by the NBU to buy or sell the currencies mentioned here at the prices specified
AUD 100 368.0745
AZM 10000 10.9998
BYR 10 0.0235
DKK 100 80.226
USD 100 505
EUR 100 598.526
JPY 1000 43.1806
PLN 100 156.4447
ISK 100 7.9328
CAD 100 432.7111
EEK 100 38.2528
LVL 100 850.1684
LTL 100 173.7126
TMM 10000 9.7115
MDL 100 39.3526
NOK 100 74.6478
RUB 10 1.7524
SGD 100 303.0205
SKK 100 15.8739
XDR 100 723.3268
KZT 100 3.7771
TRL 10000 373.7517
UZS 100 0.428
HUF 1000 23.8115
GBP 100 876.3833
CZK 100 20.6995
SEK 100 63.167
CHF 100 384.3357
CNY 100 62.5464
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