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Reserve Requirement Calculation

Eligible Assets
  • funds accounted for on current and deposit accounts of legal entities and individuals
  • funds raised from individuals and legal entities and reflected in the bank's balance sheet on other accounts.

Except for:

  • funds accounted for on correspondent accounts of other resident banks, escrow accounts of other resident banks, and accounts in settlements of other resident banks
  • funds raised from resident banks in the form of interbank loans and deposits, funds raised from international financial organizations, and
  • funds raised on terms of subordinated debt.
Reserve Base

Reserve base is the arithmetic average of funds calculated for the calculation period in accordance with the reserve requirement ratios established for the maintenance period, and is subject to required reserving and maintaining during the maintenance period.

Reserve Base Calculation Period

Reserve base calculation period is a period established for calculating the reserve base. The reserve base calculation period precedes the maintenance period.

Maintenance period

The maintenance period is a specific period during which funds are reserved and kept on a bank's correspondent account with the NBU and/or on a separate account with the NBU in line with the established ratios.

The first day of the maintenance period is the 11th day of the month, while the last day is the 10th day of the following month.

Reserve Requirement Fulfillment

Reserve Requirement Ratio

The NBU can establish different reserve ratios for various types of liabilities, depending on:

  • term for attracting funds
  • type of liability by currency (domestic, foreign, including investment metals)
  • entity type (legal entities, individuals).

 The current reserve requirement ratios are available via the link.

Reserve Requirement Fulfillment

Banks shall form and hold the required reserves in the Ukrainian hryvnia on a correspondent account and/or on a separate account. The bank's balances in domestic currency on escrow accounts with the NBU are considered to be the required reserves that are properly formed and maintained.

Including Domestic Government Debt Securities in Required Reserves

Domestic government debt securities can be included in reserves to fulfill reserve requirements.  The list of domestic government debt securities and the procedure for their inclusion in the RR are determined by a separate NBU Board decision (taking into account proposals from the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine).

Domestic government debt securities are included to fulfill the reserve requirement at their nominal value, provided that they are owned by the bank and are not encumbered by any liabilities.

International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs), which can be used by banks to meet the reserve requirements, as well as the reserve requirements that can be fulfilled with domestic government debt securities, are specified in NBU Board Decision No. 752 On Creating and Maintaining the Required Reserves dated 23 November 2017 (as amended) (UKR).

Compliance with Reserve Requirements

The amount of bank’s under-reserved funds is defined as the negative difference between the actual arithmetic average of the balances on the bank's correspondent account, including funds on the escrow account, and the amount of domestic government debt securities that comply with the requirements for inclusion to fulfill the reserve requirement for the maintenance period, and the calculated reserve base for the calculation period.