The National Bank of Ukraine has expanded the list of acceptable collateral established in Regulation No. 351* with the guarantees and insurance agreements of the Export Credit Agency PrJSC (the ECA).
The respective decisions derive from the Law of Ukraine No. 2154-IX On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine to Ensure Efficient Operation of the Export Credit Agency dated 24 March 2022. This will encourage banks to issue loans to the Ukrainian export-oriented industries.
Respective amendments were approved by NBU Board resolution No. 87 On Amendments to Regulation On Assessment by Ukrainian Banks of their Credit Exposures dated 29 April 2022, which comes into effect on 30 April 2022, and NBU Board Resolution No. 95 On Amendments to Regulation On Assessment by Ukrainian Banks of their Credit Exposures dated 9 May 2022 that comes into effect on 10 May 2022.
*Regulation On Assessment by Ukrainian Banks of their Credit Exposures approved by NBU Board Resolution No. 351 dated 30 June 2016 (as amended).