The NBU emproved the requirements on assessing resilience of banks approved by NBU Board Resolution No.141 dated 22 December 2017. In particular, the regulator has improved the procedure for taking into account the measures taken by banks, as well as actual events that occurred after the reporting date, when drafting their capitalization program or measures to maintain or restore capital level.
In addition, the NBU:
- specified the procedure for calculating capital adequacy ratios during the first and second stages of banks’ resilience assessment
- defined the details of drafting/updating of the capitalization program and/or measures to maintain or restore capital level by bank based on the NBU inspection findings.
- updated the procedure for publication by banks and the NBU of the results of the assessment of the resilience of banks and the banking system of Ukraine.
The respective amendments are approved by NBU Board Resolution No. 68 On Approval of Amendments to the the Regulation Regulation on Assessing Resilience of Banks and Banking System of Ukraine dated 21 June 2018.
The Resolution comes into effect on 24 June 2018.