The National Bank of Ukraine continues the process of internal transformation into a modern, open and independent central bank integrated into the European community of national central banks.
NBU transformation aims at enhancing efficiency provided processes re-engineering, introduction of new management models and IT-decisions to support the regulator’s activity. Changes will be accompanied with gradual lay-off of employees. Next transformation stage will last 2,5 years and result in twofold reduction in the number of employees of regulator in comparison with current number.
“For last two years, NBU underwent considerable changes leaving behind the post-soviet model of state regulator with staff overage and low efficiency. A lot has been already done: NBU gained institutional independence, removed non-core functions, improved decision-making system, cut down hierarchy levels and made corruption impossible. Many changes are still to undergo as we rapidly move towards modern and effective model of the European central bank,” - explained Mr Roman Borysenko, Director of Personnel Department.
Please note that among results of the first stage of the NBU transformation, which was completed in 2015, was lay-off of employees from 11.8 thousand to 5.3 thousand persons.