The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has published the key document of the year – the Annual Report 2017 reflecting the regulator’s performance according to its core activities.
The Annual Report shows the NBU’s performance in detail, including its decision-making and forecasts, key function performance, reported achievements in reforming the banking sector and transforming the central bank. In particular, the Annual Report contains special focus chapters on the NBU’s management, monetary policy and financial markets, financial stability, payments and settlements, reforms and effectiveness. This year, the Annual Report is supplemented by the Strategy of the National Bank of Ukraine and the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy.
The Annual Report also highlights a historic event that is the development and approval of the NBU’s first mid-term Strategy. This document that defines seven strategic goals of the NBU was presented in spring of 2018. Apart from delivering its statutory mandate of maintaining low and stable inflation, and ensuring the banking system is both stable and effective, the NBU will focus on resumption of lending and a smooth transition to free capital movement. The NBU will also ensure a stable and gradual development of the banking sector, effective regulation of the entire financial sector, and financial inclusion promotion.
The English version of the Annual Report 2017 is available here.
The NBU’s Consolidated Financial Statements and the corresponding audit opinion are available here.
For reference
Compilation and dissemination of the Annual Report is common practice in foreign central banks. The NBU’s Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of the Annual Report. The financial statements are audited by Deloitte international audit firm, a part of Deloitte ToucheTohmatsu Limited.
The NBU’s Annual Report has been published since 1994.
The Annual Reports for 1994–2017 are posted on the NBU’s website. The NBU has already converted all existing printed versions of the Annual Reports (starting from 1994) into electronic format. The electronic versions of the annual reports are published on the NBU’s website.
Since 2014, the NBU has embraced the Going Green trend for central banks’ publications and releases its annual report in electronic format.
Each chapter of this report has a prevailing color from the NBU’s new brand book, and incorporates the raised elements used on Ukrainian banknotes that are the tactile features helping people with visual impairments to identify the face value of a banknote. The report also has monochrome pictures of the central bank’s interior.