The National Bank of Ukraine proposes to impose on postal operators the requirements for the premises security that are applied to nonbank financial institutions that have received an NBU license to perform currency transactions involving the use of cash in domestic currency and/or foreign currencies.
This decision is driven by the Law of Ukraine On Currency and Currency Operations enacted on 7 February 2019.
Respective provisions are detailed in the NBU Board Draft Resolution On Amendments to the Rules for the Security of Premises of Nonbank Financial Institutions in Ukraine (hereinafter - Draft Resolution), which is proposed for public discussion.
In particular, this document sets requirements to nonbank financial institutions and postal operators on security of premises, security of staff and safekeeping of valuables.
The regulatory impact analysis of the Draft Resolution is attached thereto.
Suggestions and comments will be accepted by mail or email before 16 March 2019.
Postal address: Cash Circulation Department, National Bank of Ukraine, 9, Instytutska St., Kyiv, 01601.