The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has launched a monthly release of the regulatory capital components and compliance with regulatory capital adequacy ratio N2 with a breakdown by banks. This information will be published in accordance with NBU Board Resolution No. 11 dated 15 February 2018.
Respective statistics is posted in “Banking Sector Indicators” Subsection of “Statistics” Section on the NBU site.
The NBU has released detailed data on the nature of components of the banks’ regulatory capital, as well as current value of ratio N9 and its composing elements.
The first release presents data as of 1 March 2018. These data should also be made available on banks’ official websites before the tenth day of each month.
Please be reminded that previously the information on bank capital ratios was released only on the banking system as a whole, and the data on regulatory capital components were not released.
The decision to expand the list of data to be released is intended to foster transparency of the banking system in line with interests of creditors, depositors and other bank customers.