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NBU Transfers Money From Special Account for Military Needs

The National Bank of Ukraine has transferred for needs of the military a part of the funds collected on a special account to raise funds for Ukraine’s Armed Forces.

In particular, today the transfers were made for the needs of:

  • Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in the amount of UAH 182.3 million
  • National Police of Ukraine in the amount of UAH 150 million.

The money will be directed to enhance Ukraine’s defense capability: weapons, equipment, food, medicines, and other supplies required by defenders of Ukraine.

Earlier the NBU transferred UAH 450 million from the special account for needs of the National Guard Of Ukraine.

As previously reported, the NBU has opened a special multi-currency account to raise funds for the Ukrainian military after the authorities imposed martial law in Ukraine in response to Russia’s armed aggression and the threat to Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity.

Funds from a payment card can be remitted here.

As before, funds can be wired through a bank account using these payment details.

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