At the request of experts and market players and upon the consent of the Deposit Guarantee Fund, the National Bank of Ukraine starts publishing data on balances held in accounts of the DGF with the NBU.
The aforementioned information will be published daily under the “Analysis of Banking System Liquidity” subsection of the “Financial Markets” section on the NBU’s website. Publication of this information will enable experts and other users to conduct an in-depth analysis of the liquidity position of the banking system and changes in liquidity conditions.
In December 2016, the NBU started publishing the Analysis of Banking System Liquidity containing data on the aggregate impact of operations conducted by the State Treasury Service of Ukraine and the DGF on the banking system’s liquidity The aforementioned data are recorded in the NBU’s balance sheet. However, these data are not under the NBU’s direct control (autonomous factors affecting the banking system’s liquidity).