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Despite current challenges, the impact of forced migration from Ukraine on the economies of recipient countries in the long run will be positive, according to an NBU Staff Discussion Note

Despite current challenges, the impact of forced migration from Ukraine on the economies of recipient countries in the long run will be positive, according to an NBU Staff Discussion Note

The National Bank of Ukraine has published a Staff Discussion Note by specialists of the Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department titled Impact of Ukrainian Migrants on Economies of Recipient Countries.


  • Olga Tucha, Head of the External Sector Analysis Division, Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department of the National Bank of Ukraine.
  • Inna Spivak, Head of the International Economy Analysis Division, Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department of the National Bank of Ukraine.
  • Olga Bondarenko, Principal Economist of the International Economy Analysis Division, Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department of the National Bank of Ukraine.
  • Olga Pogarska, Deputy Director of the Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department of the National Bank of Ukraine.



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