The National Bank of Ukraine (the “NBU”) and the National Bank of Poland (the “NBP”), supported by the Banking University, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Warsaw School of Economics, invite undergraduate and postgraduate students to take part in the research conference Integration Trends in Europe and the Impact on the Region, which will be held on 13 April 2018 in the city ofLviv.
The conference aims to bring together Ukrainian and Polish undergraduate and postgraduate students whose research focuses on the micro- and macroeconomic aspects of the banking sector’s operation, the specifics of monetary and macroprudential policies, as well as European integration processes in European countries and in Ukraine. Participants will be competitively selected on the basis of their submitted papers in the above topics by the conference’s organizational committee, consisting of NBU staff and Ukrainian university professors. NBP representatives, Polish undergraduates and postgraduates will present their research papers at the conference as well.
Requirements to the papers
All submitted papers must be original and address specific issues or challenges directly related to the subject of inquiry, by means of a thorough analysis.
Preference will be given to completed empirical papers with novel findings, over those that present abstract, theoretical concepts, or that trot out well-known facts. Papers that generalize established knowledge in a particular subject are also welcome if they provide explicit and novel insights on the conduct of economic policy.
Submitted papers are expected to comply with standards and requirements applied to the "Visnyk of NBU". Useful tips in preparing a good research paper can be found here.
The working languages of the conference are Ukrainian, Polish and English. Students are encouraged to submit their papers in English.
To take part in the competitive selection, submitting authors must email their completed papers to [email protected] by 15 March 2018, indicating the title of the paper, authors’ name, home university, as well as contact details (email and phone number).
All candidates will be informed whether or not their applications have been successful by 30 March 2018. The organizers will cover travel costs of selected presenters to/from Lviv by bus or train (2nd class sleeping compartment), and their accommodation (two nights).
Participants will be awarded valuable prizes, provided with the opportunity to intern at one of the central banks, and will be invited to visit the annual international conference held by the NBU and the NBP.