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National Bank of Ukraine held the first of a series of public research seminars

On July 2, 2015, the first public research seminar intended for representatives from the academic community, research analysts and experts was held at the National Bank of Ukraine. During this seminar, Oleksiy Kryvtsov, a researcher from the Bank of Canada, presented the findings of the research studies on “Recent Developments in Experimental Macroeconomics”.

In his opening speech, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Dmytro Sologub welcomed the participants of the first research seminar and underlined the importance and the need to take into account research and analytical studies and draw on  international experience and practices when making sound macroeconomic decisions.

While presenting his research studies, Oleksiy Kryvtsov pointed out that experimental macroeconomics constitutes a new dimension in research, however, modern evaluation methods involving the application of experimental methods are instrumental for measuring inflation expectations and  monetary policy decision-making.

As a side note, the aim of these research  seminars is to provide a forum for exchanging expertise and ideas, sharing research findings, enhancing and  promoting the domestic research potential.

We invite potential contributors to participate in the upcoming seminars and present the findings of their research studies on issues  related to the activities of the National Bank of Ukraine and the operation of the financial system. Proposals (with an indication of a suitable date for the seminar, and attached presentation materials, an executive summary and/or draft contributions) should be sent to the Research Division of the Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department  for consideration via e-mail to: [email protected][email protected].



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