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Initiate a licensing meeting (video conference)

Request a meeting about licensing

Please attach scanned copies of the documents confirming powers of the applicant’s representative

Useful information

With the help of this form, you can request a meeting with employees of the NBU to discuss questions related to the registration and licensing of banks, non-bank financial institutions, leasing companies, debt collection agencies, payment service providers and other financial market participants. During COVID-19 restrictions in Ukraine, only online meetings are possible.

Denial of request

The NBU can deny request for a meeting if:

  • you already had a meeting on the indicated question
  • the NBU has already sent you or your related persons a letter with an explanation related to the indicated question 
  • the NBU issued an official public statement on the indicated question
  • the indicated question is clearly regulated
  • the NBU has other grounds to deny the request

In case the NBU denies the request for a meeting, it will inform you about such decision and grounds for the denial by sending an email to the address indicated in your application form

Request forms

If you would like to receive reference information or your request does not require the arrangement of a meeting, please send your request using this link.

If you would like to receive an official statement of the NBU, you can send an email to [email protected] or a letter to the following address: 9 Instytutska St., Kyiv 01601.

Consider the following before requesting a meeting

  • All meetings either at the premises of the NBU during working hours or online are verbal and free of charge.
  • Meetings should not be considered as procedures provided for in the Laws of Ukraine On the Bar and Practice of Law, On the Citizens’ Appeals, and On the Access to Public Information.
  • Meetings should not be considered as consulting services.
  • The information provided by NBU representatives during meetings is for reference only and can be used by an applicant (potential applicant) at its own will and discretion to decide on a further request to the NBU on the issues discussed.
  • The information provided by NBU representatives during meetings may change because of amendments to laws or in the case of NBU's review of its position regarding such information.
  • Meetings do not influence the outcome of the assessment of documents submitted by an applicant (potential applicant) to the NBU under procedures provided by Ukrainian law.
  • Meetings are not and cannot be viewed as any procedure under Ukrainian law, or its alternative. Therefore, meetings do not influence the NBU application process established by Ukrainian law (for carrying out legal procedures and/or receiving any explanations).

Subject matter of a meeting may relate to the following:

  • certain aspects of current or planned activities of the entity or its related persons that require or may require certain actions under Ukrainian law in line with the respective NBU licensing or registration processes
  • the set of documents prepared by the entity or its related party to be submitted to the NBU for initiating a legal procedure under Ukrainian law in line with the respective NBU licensing or registration processes
  • the set of documents submitted to the NBU according to the procedures under the relevant NBU regulations that was returned by the NBU to be finalized or to be revised according to NBU comments
  • any other aspects related to the NBU’s licensing or registration processes that affect or may affect the status or operations management of the entity or its related persons.

Consent to personal data processing

By filling the meeting request form the entity (entity’s representative) consents to the processing of personal data, storage and verification of the received information and documents, and if the form contains personal data of other individuals, confirms the receipt of the consent of those individuals for processing of their personal data.