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Banknote denomination of 200 hryvnias

In circulation date 

200 Hryvnia Commemorative Banknote Designed in 2019 (to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence)

In circulation

Main picture of the front side — A portrait of LESIA UKRAINKA
Main picture of the back side — The Gate Tower of Lutsk Castle
Size, mm — 75 x 148
Print date — 2021
In circulation date — 19.11.2021

200 Hryvnia Commemorative Banknote Designed in 2019 (to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence) (front side)
200 Hryvnia Commemorative Banknote Designed in 2019 (to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence) (back side)

The commemorative banknote with signed by NBU Governor Kyrylo Shevchenko, celebrates the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence. The banknote incorporates all of the security features of the 200 hryvnia banknote designed in 2019; the front of the note has the logotype "30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence" screen printed in OVMI on the watermark.

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2019

In circulation

Main picture of the front side — Lesia Ukrainka`s portrait
Main picture of the back side — The Gate Tower of Lutsk Castle
Size, mm — 75 x 148
Print date — 2021
In circulation date — 09.11.2021

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2019 (front side)
200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2019 (back side)

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2019

In circulation

Main picture of the front side — Lesia Ukrainka`s portrait
Main picture of the back side — The Gate Tower of Lutsk Castle
Size, mm — 75 x 148
Print date — 2019
In circulation date — 25.02.2020
Leaflet for experts

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2019 (front side)
200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2019 (back side)

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007

In circulation

Main picture of the front side — Lesia Ukrainka`s portrait
Main picture of the back side — The Gate Tower of Lutsk Castle
Size, mm — 75 x 148
Print date — 2014
In circulation date — 01.12.2014
Elements of protection

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (front side)
200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (back side)

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007

In circulation

Main picture of the front side — Lesia Ukrainka`s portrait
Main picture of the back side — The Gate Tower of Lutsk Castle
Size, mm — 75 x 148
Print date — 2014
In circulation date — 01.10.2014
Elements of protection

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (front side)
200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (back side)

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007

In circulation

Main picture of the front side — Lesia Ukrainka`s portrait
Main picture of the back side — The Gate Tower of Lutsk Castle
Size, mm — 75 x 148
Print date — 2013
In circulation date — 01.11.2013
Elements of protection

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (front side)
200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (back side)

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007

In circulation

Main picture of the front side — Lesia Ukrainka`s portrait
Main picture of the back side — The Gate Tower of Lutsk Castle
Size, mm — 75 x 148
Print date — 2011
In circulation date — 01.11.2011
Elements of protection

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (front side)
200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (back side)

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007

In circulation

Main picture of the front side — Lesia Ukrainka`s portrait
Main picture of the back side — The Gate Tower of Lutsk Castle
Size, mm — 75 x 148
Print date — 2007
In circulation date — 28.05.2007
Elements of protection

200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (front side)
200 Hryvnia Banknote Designed in 2007 (back side)

Front side of the banknote

On the front of the banknote to the left of the centre there is a portrait of Lesia Ukrainka in violet pink. Near the portrait on the right there is a legend ЛЕСЯ УКРАЇНКА (Lesia Ukrainka) and her years of life in violet pink. On the right of the portrait along the upper side of the note there is a design of the Small National Emblem of Ukraine and the legend УКРАЇНА in violet ink. At the top of the watermark area along the upper side of the note there is a legend НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ (National Bank of Ukraine)in red and violet inks under which there is a signature of the NBU Governor and the legend ГОЛОВА in violet ink.

In the middle of the right side of the note there is a symbol for the partially-sighted in the form of two vertical lines in violet ink.

In the right-hand bottom corner of the note there is a numerical indication of the denomination 200 printed in ink that switches from purple (crimson-violet) to olive-green when viewed at different angels.

A part of the see-through element, the numerical indication of the denomination 200, is printed in a blank          pace in the shape of a parallelogram that adjoins the watermark area at the top on the left.

Along the left short side of the note there is a legend ДВІСТІ ГРИВЕНЬ (200 hryvnias) and the numerical indication of the denomination 200: the word ДВІСТІ (200) in violet ink, the word ГРИВЕНЬ (hryvnias) in negative font against a red background, the numerical indication of the denomination 200 in violet ink filled with negative wavy lines.

In the background of the note center there is a composition consisting of a line drawing of the Literary and Memorial Homestead Museum of Lesia Ukrainka in the Kolodiazhne village done in negative strokes and a tone drawing of a Ukrainian wreath with colored ribbons.

There are guilloche and antiscanning grids on the front of the note.

Back side of the banknote

In the background there is an artistic composition of an architectural structure, a tower, (on the right) and a flying stork (in the note center). The color of the composition switches from vinous to deep-blue (from left to right). The legend В'ЇЗНА ВЕЖА ЛУЦЬКОГО ЗАМКУ (The Gate Tower of the Lutsk Castle) is deep- blue, printed in calligraphic font, and forms an arch on the right of the structure.

Beneath the design of a stork there is a legend КИЇВ 2007 (Kyiv 2007) in vinous ink.

Along the left side of the note there is a vertical legend УКРАЇНА (Ukraine) in vinous ink; along the right side there is a legend ГРИВЕНЬ (hryvnias) in contour font on the edges whereof there are numerical indi­cations of the denomination 200 in deep-blue ink.

At the top of the note on the right of the center there is a legend ДВІСТІ ГРИВЕНЬ (200 hryvnias) set in italics the color whereof switches from vinous to deep-gray.

A part of the see-through element, the numerical indication of the denomination 200, is printed in a blank space in the shape of a parallelogram that adjoins the watermark area at the top on the right.

At the bottom of the watermark area there is a numerical indication of the denomination 200 in vinous ink.

At the bottom of the note on the right of the center there is a numerical indication of the denomination 200 printed in a thin line (negative).

The serial number is printed horizontally twice: in the top left-hand corner in black ink and in the bottom right-hand corner in red ink. Each serial number consists of a two-letter series and a seven-digit number.

There are geometric fragments and antiscanning grids on the back of the note.

Security elements

The note is printed on a special tinted paper with a pink tone corresponding to the dominating color of the note.

There is a multi-color local watermark, light watermark element, security thread and security fibers invisible under ordinary light.

1. Watermark

The portrait of Lesia Ukrainka repeating that printed on the face of the note. The image is located on the right of the note front and is visible when the note is held up to the light.

1a. Light Watermark Element

The image of a graphic symbol of the national monetary unit of Ukraine, the hryvnia, placed in the left bottom part of the portrait of Lesia Ukrainka.

2. Optically Variable Ink

The ink with which the numerical indication of the denomination 200) is intaglio-printed in the bottom right-hand corner on the front of the note. The ink switches its color when the note is viewed at different angles: from purple (crimson-violet) when viewed straight-on to olive- green at a sharp angle.

3. Security Thread

A fully embedded into the paper polymer thread visible on the left of the water- mark area when the note front is held up to the light. Under a magnifying glass the following transparent direct and inverse images are visible on the thread: 200 ГРН (banknote denomination), element of the Small National Emblem of Ukraine (the trident), and microlettering of the numerical indication of the denomination (200).

4. Latent (Hidden) Image

The numerical indication of the denomination (200) hidden behind a geometric ornament printed in red ink on the left of the portrait of Lesia Ukrainka. The images become visible when the note is held up to the light at a sharp angle: dark against a light background when the note is viewed from the short side and light against a dark background when the note is viewed from the long side.

5. Raised print

A special type of printing when the ink is raised above the paper and can be felt by touch (portrait, legends, numerical indications of the denomination and microlettering). This type of printing is found on the front of the note only.

Raised print is used on: the Small National Emblem of Ukraine and the legends УКРАЇНА (Ukraine) and НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ (The National Bank of Ukraine) along the upper side of the note, the legend ДВІСТІ (200) along the left side of the note, graphic elements at the top of the conventionalized design of a tree ,on the left of the portrait, symbol for the partially sighted, numerical indications of the denomination in the bottom right-hand corner and top left-hand corner of the note, and two groups of seven strokes placed perpendicular to the two short sides of the note.

6. See - Through Element

Elements that complement each other to form the numerical indication of the denomination 200 when the note is held up to the light. These are the parts of the figure 200 printed in a blank space in the shape of a parallelogram that adjoins the watermark area at the top on the left on the front of the note and on the right on the back of the note. The element is printed in green ink on the front of the note and in violet ink on the back of the note. When the note is held up to the light the figure 200 becomes visible in the space.

7. “Orloff” Print

A special type of printing ensuring an abrupt change of one color into another without intermittence and displacement of graphic elements of the pattern.

On the front of the note: the portrait and the legend НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ (The National Bank of Ukraine).

On the back of the note: the antiscanning and central background grids, geometric fragments, the line underlining the central image and the monogram on its left, and central image background.

8. Micro lettering

Repeating inscriptions that can be read under a magnifying glass.

On the front of the note:

-intaglio-printed inscription ЛЕСЯ УКРАЇНКА 1871—1913 (Lesia Ukrainka 1871 - 1913) (positive image) on the portrait enframing the colar on the right;

- intaglio-printed abbreviation НБУ (The NBU) (negative image) at the bottom of the portrait on the right;

- offset-printed quotation from a work by Lesia Ukrainka: БЕРІМОСЬ КРАЩЕ ДО РОБОТИ ЗМАГАЙМОСЬ ЗА НОВЕ ЖИТТЯ! (positive image) enframing the blank space in the watermark area on the right and repeated five times;

-offset-printed inscription ЛІТЕРАТУРНО-МЕМОРІАЛЬНИЙ МУЗЕЙ-САДИБА ЛЕСІ УКРАЇНКИ В СЕЛІ КОЛОДЯЖНОМУ ВОЛИНСЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ (Literary and Memorial Homestead Museum of Lesia Ukrainka in the Kolodiazhne village in Volyn region) (positive image) beneath the negative image of a home- stead in the center of the note.

9. Rainbow Print

. A special type of printing ensuring a smooth change of one color into another without intermittence and displacement of graphic elements of the pattern.

"On the front of the note: color change in the background grid and some ribbons in the design of an Ukrainian wreath.

On the back of the note: color changes in the central background grid, fragments of the image of the Gate Tower of the Lutsk Castle and some design elements.

10. Antiscanning Grid

Thin lines placed at different angles which form a moire pattern when the banknote is copied or scanned.