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Andrii Kotiuzhynskyi Appointed Director of Integrated Banking Supervision Department

Andrii Kotiuzhynskyi Appointed Director of Integrated Banking Supervision Department

After the recruiting procedures and interviews of candidates with the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine, Andrii Kotiuzhynskyi was appointed Director of the newly created Integrated Banking Supervision Department of the NBU on 8 May 2023.

Please be reminded that the Integrated Banking Supervision Department was created within the framework of enhancing supervision over the financial markets, which is one of the NBU’s obligations under the Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies with the IMF dated 24 March 2023. 

The department is entrusted with all the functions of the reorganized Banking Supervision Department as well as with the functions of supervision over payment services providers with the aim to ensure their compliance with the Law of Ukraine On Payment Services.  

The Director of the Integrated Banking Supervision Department is in charge of the following:

  • ensuring the conducting of integrated efficient offsite banking supervision on individual and consolidated basis over compliance by the banks of Ukraine, branches of foreign banks in Ukraine, banking groups (hereinafter referred to as the "banks"), other entities under supervision of the NBU pursuant to the laws of Ukraine, NBU regulations, and set economic ratios in order to ensure the banking system stability and protect the interests of the bank depositors and creditors under the risk-based approach 
  • arrangement of prompt responding to violations of laws and NBU regulations and to risky activities of banks, and imposing corrective measures to banks and payment services providers
  • risk assessment of banks and payment services providers, as well as assessment of their business models in order to determine their viability 
  • analytical support for the supervision over banks and payment services providers 
  • methodological support for the supervisory procedures 
  • ensuring the conducting of control over the banks’ compliance with the Ukrainian laws and NBU regulations regarding internal and external auditing 
  • participation in drafting laws of Ukraine, as well as in preparing, drafting, and amending NBU regulations on regulation and supervision over banks and payment services providers. 

The Integrated Banking Supervision Department is part of the Prudential Supervision reporting line under the charge of Dmytro Oliinyk, NBU Deputy Governor. 
"I am happy to welcome Andrii Kotiuzhynskyi in the NBU’s team. I expect to continue our work together to strengthen the banking supervision, taking into consideration the best world standards and the new challenges that the NBU and the market in general are facing. Improvement of our supervisory function and increasing its efficiency should eventually result in further development of the transparent, responsible, and sustainable financial sector in Ukraine," said Dmytro Oliinyk.

For reference

Andrii Kotiuzhynskyi has 16 years of work experience in the financial area and is highly competent in issues of risk management, business strategy, and operational efficiency of financial institutions.

Before being appointed at the NBU, he worked as First Deputy Chairman of the Board at BANK CREDIT DNIPRO JSC (from August 2022).

In 2019-2021, he worked as department director of credit risk management at OTP BANK JSC. Earlier, his career at the same bank started at the position of corporate credit risk analyst (2007–2009). In 2009-2012, he worked at FORUM BANK PJSC.

Andrii Kotiuzhynskyi also has considerable experience working at some of the Big Four audit companies – the four largest companies in the world that provide audit and consulting services. In particular, he was Consulting Director at Deloitte in Ukraine (2018-2019) and PwC Ukraine (2012-2018).

Andrii Kotiuzhynskyi has a Master’s degree from Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University (accounting and audit).

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