The NBU compiles external sector statistics that reflect Ukraine’s role in the international trade of goods, services, and capital. External sector statistics provide information about Ukraine’s relations with the rest of the world. These statistics are used for economic policy decisions.
NBU external sector data include:
The NBU compiles external sector data using the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (IMF, 2009) and External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (IMF, 2013). The external sector data also meet the requirements of the Glossary of the System of National Accounts, the Government Finance Statistics Manual, and the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (IMF, 2016).
Indicators / Period | monthly data | quarterly data | annual data | ||||||
Balance of payments | |||||||||
Balance of payments reports | 12’2024 | III-2024 | 2023 | ||||||
Balance of payments | 01’2025 | xlsx | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||
External trade | 01’2025 | xlsx | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||
External trade between Ukraine & EU countries | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Currency composition of settlements in the BoP current account | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Seasonally adjusted indices of the BoP current account | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Remittances | 01’2025 | xlsx | IІ-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||
International Investment Position | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Direct investments | |||||||||
Direct investment by Instruments and Sectors | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Direct Investment In Ukraine (inward direct investment) | |||||||||
Flows: Direct Investment Flows by Instruments, Regions, Countries, Types of Economic Activity | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Positions: Direct Investment Positions by Instruments, Regions, Countries, Types of Economic Activity | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Income on Direct Investment by Instruments, Regions, Countries, Types of Economic Activity | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Regional breakdown: | |||||||||
Equity Positions: Regions by Countries | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Equity Positions: Regions by Types of Economic Activity | III-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Direct Investment Abroad (outward direct investment) | |||||||||
Positions: Direct Investment Positions by Instruments, Regions, Countries, Types of Economic Activity | ІIІ-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
External Debt | |||||||||
External Debt Report | IІ-2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Gross External Debt | ІIІ-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Short-term external debt by remaining maturity | ІIІ-2024 | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | |||||
Debt-service payment schedule for external debt | 01.01.2025 | xlsx | |||||||
Information on the cost of real sector external borrowing | IV-2024 | xlsx |
Indicators / Period | monthly data | quarterly data | annual data | ||||||
Balance of payments | EUR | UAH | EUR | UAH | EUR | UAH | |||
Balance of payments | 01’2025 | xlsx | xlsx | ІII-2024 | xlsx | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | xlsx |
External trade | ІII-2024 | xlsx | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | xlsx | |||
External trade between Ukraine & EU countries | ІII-2024 | xlsx | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | xlsx | |||
International Investment Position | III-2024 | xlsx | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | xlsx | |||
External Debt | |||||||||
Gross External Debt | ІII-2024 | xlsx | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | xlsx | |||
Short-term external debt by remaining maturity | ІII-2024 | xlsx | xlsx | 2023 | xlsx | xlsx |
Indicators / Period | monthly data | quarterly data | annual data | ||||||
Balance of payments | 10’2015 | xlsx | II-2015 | xlsx | 2014 | xlsx | |||
External trade of goods | 10’2015 | xlsx | II-2015 | xlsx | 2014 | xlsx | |||
International Investment Position | II-2015 | xlsx | 2014 | xlsx | |||||
Gross External Debt | II-2015 | xlsx | 2014 | xlsx | |||||
Current account of the Balance of Payments (without statistics on the temporarily occupied territory of the AR Crimea and the city of Sevastopol) | VI-2014 | xlsx | 2014 | xlsx | |||||
Balance of Payments (1994-2014) | xlsx | xlsx |
Data | Indicators |
Exchange rate, daily | |
Official hryvnia exchange rate against foreign currencies | |
UAH/USD reference rate as of 12 p.m. | |
Average weighted rates in the cash foreign exchange market of Ukraine | |
Monthly | |
02'2025 | Indicators of the Ukrainian currency market |
01'2025 | Cash Flow Statement |
Average hryvnia exchange rate against foreign currencies | |
02'2025 | Official hryvnia exchange rate against foreign currencies (period average) |
01'2025 | Real effective exchange rate (REER) and nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) indexes of the hryvnia (dynamics) |
Operations of individuals | |
02'2022 | Individual transfers in foreign currency (regional breakdown) |
01'2025 | Cash foreign currency purchased from individuals (regional breakdown) |
Archives | |
Archive average weighted exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market of Ukraine (before 31.07.2018) | |
Archive weighted average interbank hryvnia exchange rate against US dollar and euro (before 31.07.2018) |